The tingapp format

Tingbot apps are saved in the 'tingapp' format, which contains all the code, resources and configuration needed for the app.


The layout is as follows:

  │ (or  main)
  │   app.tbinfo
  │   icon.png
  │   requirements.txt [optional]
  │      ...more code/resources...

Taking these in turn-


This file contains the code that runs when the app is started. If main is present in the bundle, and is executable, then it is run directly. Otherwise, is called with python

In both cases the working directory of the app is set to the root of the tingapp before launch.


This file contains information about the app itself. It's a JSON file, and looks like this:

    "name": "Pi in the Sty",
    "author": "Farmer Hogget",
    "caption": "Watch your pig, all day, every day",
    "version": "0.1",
    "twitter": "@hogget",
    "website": "",
    "background_color": "1db0e9"
  • name The display name of the app, as displayed on the Tingbot home screen. If not specified, uses the filename e.g. "PiInTheSty.tingapp"
  • author Your name, or pseudonym if you want to mysterious!
  • caption 1 line description of the app
  • version The current version of the app. Stick to a conventional format, e.g. '1', '1.2' or '1.2.3'.
  • twitter Your twitter handle
  • website A URL that people can go for info on the app - e.g. the Github project URL.
  • background_color A hex-encoded RGB color value to used for the background behind the app icon. If not specified, a dark grey is used.


An image that is displayed on the Tingbot home screen with the app. The image should be on a transparent background. The image is displayed at 96x96px on the home screen, but a size of 192x192 px is ideal, as the image will be also used on the Ocean.

Not sure what do draw for your icon? We like colorful, isometric drawings. You can use joerick's triangulart tool to make one!

  requirements.txt [optional]

If you want to use Python modules other than the Python built-ins, tingbot-python and requests, you can list them here. The format is as follows


Each module should be on its own line, and optionally, you can specify a version number. When releasing an app, it's recommended to specify versions for every module listed - that way, updates to those modules can't break your app in the future.

There's more you can do with requirements files. See the pip documentation for more information.

External dependencies

Tingapps should run without requiring any setup on Tingbot OS. If you're making a Tingapp that requires other software to be installed, this should be automatic on first launch.

If your tingapp requires software installed by API, check out this issue and let us know so we can prioritise accordingly.